Tuesday, 29 October 2013


It is 10:32 pm...I feel like cinderella anticipating midnight for the spell to break.  Although in this case for the magic to begin.  

The drive in went smoothly, no accidents, no one puked, politics never broke into conversation, and my mother kept her cool when she let someone else drive her beloved truck.  We were getting dropped off by friends and also employees of ours at the Halifax airport, and she let THEM drive all the way there, AND they are driving all the way back with her baby.  I am impressed and worried at how calm my mother was, although she did seem tense, and it was quite funny, I am giving her credit for not ONCE correcting them on how to drive it.  

I wish I could say it is busy in this airport, so that I had some entertainment watching people interact and stress out then calm down then get stressed again, but it is dead.  Everyone is...taken down a notch from how people usually act.  Everyone is tired, and kept awake from the lights and chairs that don't allow you to lie down.  I being one of them, although I don't have a problem with making a bed on the floor.  Some people do...don't see why.  This is how I look at it.  When you are asking to sit for X amount of hours than you have the right to lie vertical when given the opportunity, floors included. I like the floor, it has a strange and intriguing feature to it.  Like eating in a bathtub, or sleeping in a hayloft, or the back of a truck, or the back seat of a truck, lying on the floor feels so rebellious.  

This is the blog post that kick starts the several to follow where the main subject is pure waiting in all it's glory.  I am not on the floor....I cracked but who knows I might end up sleeping on the floor? 

Good night world, and goodnight to my bed at home, you will be missed tonight.


To Africa We Go

Ok here we go.  Today, well more precisely tomorrow at 12 am.  But to be completely honest it is never morning in my head till around 6 or 8.  For some strange reason I  associate sunshine with morning....So today in the middle of the night I will be getting on a plane and flying with some other chosen passengers to Britain.  I will stay 8 hours in London and then proceed on another plane ride which will be a 12 hour episode.  Which when the credits roll onto the runway I will be in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Now I am not traveling alone and I am sorry I made it sound like that for effect.  No I am traveling with my mother (Em Zember, renowned soap maker and entrepreneur) and her companies soap maker (Joshua Allen, Artist, MMA fighter, soap maker, and winner of most diverse resume). 

We will be living, working, traveling, all in a town called Pretoria.  We will be staying in a missionary camp for three weeks helping out.  My mother and Josh will be making soap, and because I haven't gone near soap since I realized it involves math skills and patience I will most likely be working in the orphanage, and the school.  Don't assume I am good with kids, I just am one that is all, I am 15, as you can tell from my achievements in a copious amount of grammatical errors. 

I guess I should give a little background of how it came to be that this unlikely trio is traveling to no other than South Africa.  Well my mother owns The Great Canadian Soap Co.  which if you haven't assumed is a soap company.  And as the story goes one day out of the blue a phone call came from Africa and they wanted to know how to make soap.  Well my mom started telling them everything she knew, but as soap making goes you have to be there to do it.  So they invited her to Africa.  My mom told me and asked if she/we (I am my mother's or she is my traveling partner) should go.  Of course my response was in decibels only dogs can here, and the process slowly started moving.  That was about a year ago.  Now my green backpack is packed, and the plan is set...to Africa we go.



 My name is Katie Zember, I live on a small goat farm in Canada. I have 2 brothers and a sister. I believe in many things but not one origin.  I am a traveler, I am a writer.  I have dreamt of a life that includes both for literally as long as I can remember. It has always been my instinct to discover.

 I am only 15, my life is just beginning, my travels have just started.   I have interest in many things but traveling and writing take the win for sure.  If I could ever have a life that combined the two I would be happy, truly-to-my-soul-beaming-out-of-every-poor, happy.

 This blog is my travel blog, for whatever trip the universe hands me, and for every opportunity that I like a broken record reply "yes" to.  This is for that moment my breath gets taken away, for when my eyes are opened.  This is for the moments I fall to my knees in admiration.  This is to document, to document the travels of my green backpack, to document my travels.  To document the smiles, the tears, the blood, and the fears, into one blog.

You may not know me, but this is my story.
