Monday, 25 August 2014

Ecuador Introduction


On August 4th I went to Ecuador and into the Amazon with MeToWe to work in a group of young activists on a community kitchen in the amazon.  I have been back for about 8 days now and can only sum up this incredible experience as life changing.

While on the trip I had no access to internet or cellular so I was not able to post from the jungle.  Instead I am going to be writing the trip from home going off of my notes and journal entrees from the trip.

Before I begin to try to put even the tiniest piece of the amazon into words (which is so much harder than it sounds) I need to apologize for how long it has taken me to even write the first day. In the end I have two excuses for you.  The first is very generic.  I have been working from 7 to 9 every day since I have gotten back and when I do sit down for a moment I just seem to fall asleep.

But if I was to be completely honest with you I could have found the time.  But it's been hard recovering from the trip, like it is recovering from any trip.  It honestly feels like withdrawal when you come home after traveling for so long.  for this past week I have missed the amazon and the people so much that I have really been trying to ignore the fact that any of it really happened.

But I have now recovered from the "denial" phase of travel withdrawal and I am ready to remember it.  To remember the humidity and the sounds of the jungle.  I am ready to accept that I can only go back in my imagination for now.

So thank you for being so patient while I denied the fact that I am home now and have to adapt to life at home for another winter.  And with that said here we go, off to the amazon and into the jungle.

The adventure awaits.  


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