Saturday, 9 November 2013

Day 10

We woke up at 5:30 this morning.  Last night the Internet was finally turned on.  I feel bad for two reasons 1: I have uploaded very few pictures and stories to this blog, and 2: That I rely on the Internet to much.  I got dressed and uploaded a few photos, and talked to a good friend.  Around 6 am we left the house to go to the market for the second time.  We walked around the market and I absorbed.  I absorbed the smells of spices and kamosas, I absorbed people talking in various languages.  I absorbed the hustle and bustle and the beauty of it all.  The morning sun flickered through the tree tops and onto the booths below.  As I walked through the market people called out at us for attention.  Around 9:40 we sat outside the market, at the gates and waited for Paul to pick us up.  Around 10:20 he pulled up. 

When we got home my mom went next door  to talk to a lady who makes essential oils.  While she was gone I uploaded more photos and me and Josh talked.  My mom came home and around 2 her and Josh went for a walk to find a tattoo parlour because Josh would like to get a tattoo before he leaves.  It is 5 now, for 3 hours I have been uploading photos and writing.  It feels so so so so so amazing to be all caught up with pictures and stories. 

I am now sitting in the shade, in the backyard in a bright orange and red African designed dress.  My feet are twirling in the pool and the birds and singing consistently in the trees above.  The afternoon sun is coming through the leaves making little patches of light all over the grass and the turquoise water.

Tonight me, Tinta, Josh, and my mom are going to a movie, and out for supper.   I don’t know what tonight will bring but I am sure it will be an adventure.


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