Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Day 21

It is the 12th hour, the last day.  It is morning here, and my day has yet to unfold.  I have had my sweet, black, iced coffee (it is too hot to have hot coffee) and I have uploaded yesterday.  Funny how blogging has become a part of my every day.  Even if I don't write that day, I take the pictures and think about my blog.

Now this might be a little self centered but I am terrible at consistency. I do things in spurts of crazy excitement and then chill out until I decide to go nuts about something else again.  What I am trying to say is I am the inventor of the every-two-month-diary-entree,  I am the queen of the inconsistent. So I am giving myself this paragraph for achieving to document this entire trip, and not have this blog become another victim of my inconsistent pulses.  Basically Good Job Katie.

Today we are going to a herbal farm, were they grow plants to make essential oils. Then we are heading to the airport, And I plane to Heathrow leaves at 8:50 PM. I might be able to upload the pictures or even write about it in the airport, but if not, this is the one time you are getting to know what the next post's subject is before I write it.  Well for the most part anyways.  I don't like saying what I am doing before I do it.  I feel like suspense is the whole point of this blog.  But who knows maybe today will hold something I didn't mention...like grand-theft-auto or maybe I will run away with the circus.  Never mind...too late, been there done that.

So my Green Backpack is packed and this is when I get sentimental and mushy.  I will miss the African air, and the people that I have learned have no limit of care,  I have learned to love, and learned to say things through a hug, I have seen things I didn't want to see, and felt things I didn't know I could, I have thanked the skies above, luck, stars, fate, and serendipity for this trip.  For that call a year ago.  For my mother, for that book that I read when I was 5 that started it all. That started the love of adventure, and the feeling, that feeling that makes me get on a plane and put myself out of my comfort zone, that feeling I like to call, Travel.

Oh the places you'll go:
You're off to great places
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting
So...Get on your way!


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