Friday, 15 November 2013

Day 14

We left the house around 9 AM and headed on our way to the project again.  We had cleaned the production room and moved some of the equipment in, but there was still a lot more work to do.  We started by organising, and making more shelves for the soap.  Around 12 we were ready to make soap.  While they were setting up the production room to make a batch of soap me, Aly, and my mom went to the classrooms to see if I could read some of the kids a story.
We were walking to the classroom when kids started running at us giving us hugs.  Aly got the kids calmed down a little, and they all sat down to listen.  They were in two rows when I started reading.  I read them "Oh The Places You'll Go" and a Robert Munch book call "Good Food".  I would turn the book around every now and then and they would go "wow!".  I had to stop because the bell rung for recess to be over and they had to go back to class.  Now throughout these two books they had moved right in.  I had kids all around me, behind in front, nestled in by my side.  I was surrounded, which I didn't mind at all I loved it.  But when I went to get up they started hugging me and I fell right back down.  I was being road-blocked by little children and hugs, My. Favourite. Way. To. Be. Road-blocked. Ever.  I managed to get up while still hugging these children and as I start to walk away a little boy hands me my backpack...I was so in love with these kids that I forgot my backpack, and I am so so so so thankful to that little boy for remembering, and giving me back my backpack.  He is a sweetheart.  I gave him a big hug and walked back to the production room.  With every step my heart broke leaving those kids and those hugs.  

We finished making soap.  The batch turned out very well.  We packed up and went home.  Tinta usually gets dropped off but we were planning to go out for supper so she came home with us.  We got changed, and I had a quick cold shower, and we were on our way.  We ended up going to a Sea food restaurant.  The waitress HATED us.  See we started off on the patio under the roof, then we decided that the bugs were too bad so we asked to go out on the deck, so we moved.  We had ordered our drinks and our food when the wind started to pick up, the sky turned black, and the lighting had already started hours ago.  So we moved, without telling our waiter.  Eventually she found us (I feel horrible) and our meal was amazing.  


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