This my friends is the supper of excellence, well part of it, but we will get to that later. The evening started off when Tinta arrived at the house. I had been talking to friends back home and hadn't even started to get ready when she got there. So as Tinta walked through the door I said "Hi" and ran down the hall to get ready.
The movie started at 7:30. We got our seats and the theatre was almost empty. Me and Josh were elected for the "in-movie-snack-run" which is a skilled run that my Dad has gotten down to a science. And if we are getting technical he has every minute that is in context with movies down to a science. He goes into "movie mode" where I swear he starts talking in army codes "previews screen at exactly 1800 hours, they will probably run slow so that gives us 120 seconds to charge at 60 km. per. hr."..."Dad! it's Finding Nemo". (Hi Dad). We went the see "Gravity". Which was well done, I only have one comment. I personally wasn't expecting it to end where it had. I was pretty shocked when the credits rolled.
After the movie we walked around looking for a place to have supper. We finally settled on a restaurant that had EVERYTHING. I naturally took advantage of the supper-possibilities that this restaurant offered...I ordered lemon meringue pie and a chocolate milkshake. I was Buzzed. I have to mention that I had also had popcorn and sprite. Healthiest. Supper. Ever. I spent supper in a giggling fit which made the evening very enjoyable. All in all it was a great evening of jokes and laughs. We got home around 10 and crashed.
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